Minggu, 22 September 2013



Upload September 22, 2013
Preface :

Purpose in writing this article is intended specifically to foreigners who are interested in the problem of devotion to the nation, in a place or country wherever they may be.
Author would greatly appreciate that you like to read, especially if you could give a comments related the contet Content the article is a performance training program, the main theme (in a great mission) : “awaken the nation from underdevelopment in the work  culture”, as a solution must be taken  to ward a key issue facing the nation.  Training will be implemented in a short training for 3 days.
I'm sure the managers of human resource issues, in institutions, government agencies, or any company, in any country they are in, especially in a country that still exist in backwardness, will require a training program as described in this paper.
Essence is contained in the article,   building a new insight in the field of human resources, which is oriented towards performance improvement and repair of work ethics. The main goal,  to provide the readiness the next generation on mentally and work culture,  so their lives become better than the current generation. This mission has to be done on long term period, through across generation. 


An Effort Awaken the Nation From Underdevelopment
In the  Work Culture
 (translation from the native language)
Author : Widjaja Kartadiredja / Ret. Lieutenant Colonel

Referral :

1.   Handbook for Performance Training (for Trainees).
2.   Handbook for  Presentation Performance Training (for Teachers).


This paper should be interpreted as an open letter addressed to those who have a concern for the future of the nation on issues related to the next generation mentality and work culture.

In particular this paper is addressed to "public officials" who have linkages with the interests of human resource development issues in the country, which is respectable :

Minister of State for Administrative Control & Reform;  Minister of Home Affairs;   Local government ( Governor / Regent / Mayor ),  Minister of Youth and Sports; Youth and Student Organizations; HRM Managers Company; Human Development Donor agencies.

Hopefully  the state officials / officers at the above address, is pleased to reading this article on blog or on  link on Facebook or Twitter, and are interested in accessing the program described in the blog. We would be very appreciative and proud, if a form of public participation from  whoever it 's  comes, get a response.

A. Birth of Ideas

1.   Various phenomena which have made the life of our nation is almost never changed, then these conditions must be observed with full awareness and introspection.   Reality shows, that the behavior and work culture among our nation has fallen behind other nations that have been developed, is must be recognized  as a fact that absolutely must find a solution to change.

2.     Related to this fact, the author was inspired by an experience learned the basic of implementing human resource management policies in particular about performance appraisal system, is done in a training institute in France in 1992 was Thomson CSF Cooperation. Although the system is obtained through a brief training that does not require the academic knowledge for learning it, but this system is the essential to be used as a reference for our nation, in an effort to create a therapy in the face of the nation during this condition, as a solution.

3.  This paper will provide overview of the process of the preparing training program that handled by author as the originator for using the system, on the form of brief training, namely "Performance Training Program with the main theme “an efforts in awaken the nation from behind in the work culture.

B.   Background Thought

1.   The term "performance" in daily language it’s means "work", It is a process of cultivation in the world of work, that more precisely referred to "the results of the work culture". High or low performance value can be attributed to the value of a nation's progress . Hence the low level of performance of a nation, shows the characteristics of the people behind other nations that have been advanced.

2.  What is meant by "work culture", is a mental attitude or behavior in the workplace  on the foundation of  philosophy to improving employment outcomes and improved the work ethic.  This term is conecting to the nation as the istitution subject and the official or the workforce as the individual subject.

3.   The fact that can not be denied, that anyone as a citizens still feel loving the nation and country, will feel concerned about the current condition of the nation, that in the world of work so far behind compared with other nations that have been advanced. This concern is proper to give a boost towards the birth of the initiative to hold a change effort.

4.   Therefore a priority necessity that must be arise in our nation today, is a positive willingness and creativity to build new insights in the field of human resource, which has to be done through  across generations.   The main goal, that is to provide the readiness the next generation on mentally and work culture,  so their lives become better than the current generation. This mission has to be done on long term period, through across generation.  Meaning through inheritance values from generation to generation, because it is basically the development of mentally and culture require in a  long term period.

5.  To achieve this goal, the initial step must be done, that is through the implementation of performance  training program,  that should be start as early as possible  (start from now on), where the implementation should be supported by  the policy from the public officials in government,  and  welcomed well by the younger generation as the heir to next generation.

C.   Overview Preparation Training

1.   Preparation for performance training program has been completed by the author as the originator and which will at the same time act as a teacher :

a.   The author has prepared training materials for used in the performance training  on the "short course" which is only for 3 days,   but the training will sustainable   without limit of time, because the arable land area on a number of regional training. 

b.     Targets to be achieved in the training program within 3 years of the first phase are : first, prepare a cadre of trainers  as much as 100 people that will taken from the best of the former trainees to be a "mobile teaching team". Second,  target of   participants  on the first step of  3 year, as many as 1.800 people, who are mostly from the ranks of government agencies that their main task in the field of human resource development. The next target in the second 3-year, carried out by cadres who had formed, until the time the training program can be realized in each region / province in country.

c.  This program seems like it is impossible, but with a readiness to material that has been designed in such a way by the author / the originator, God willing, this program can be realized.

d.   Later, under the guidance of writer who will serve as teacher, instructor cadre should be able to transfer the knowledge gained in training, through the regional set up in each province / district / city, the implementation should be supported by Government policy and the willingness to open training in the form of "in house training " in their office.
2.  Training materials are made in detail, systematic and easily understood, there      are:

a)   Performance Training Handbook (140 pages), for the Trainee.

b)   Presentation Training Handbook (120 pages), for the Teacher.

3.   For the purposes of marketing training, have been made :
           a)  General Proposal Performance Training Program (24 pages).

           b)  Profile Performance Training Handbook (32 pages ).

D.  Overview Implementation Training

Overview of the implementation of the training are described as follows :

1.   Training costs . Training programs will be implemented in the form of "in house training" (ie the implementation of training based on the request institutions / agencies as a user of training), with a capacity of classes 15 participants, and duration of training for 3 ( three ) days . Funds needed if the training program is handled by the "stand-alone agency" (not through "in house training") that its use for infrastructure, teacher salaries and operational costs for the first phase of 3 years, reaching Rp. 1.450 M, in which most of the funds used for infrastructure  (details contained in the Manuscript of General Proposal).

2.   In the proposal described, if the training activities carried out by independent institutions or by stand alone agency, the training costs could reach Rp. 1.5 million for each participant or even maybe more, but it’s has a consequences   this training could be eventually turn into a commercial purpuse.  However, if training / agencies, the participants are not charged for the training cost.  While compensation for the teachers, accommodation and costs transportation estimated at about Rp . 3 up to 4.5 million for a class of  15 participants in 3 days.

3.   Other important information :

a.  Training will be conducted 4 times a month (with a capacity of 15 class participants in duration of training 3 days).  So within 1 month training will  able to train 60 people, and 1year estimated 600 people, or within 3 years of the first phase are 1,800 people. This training will be conducted by the teacher or teaching team cadres that are" mobile" that will be prepared beforehand.

b.   Although the implementation of the training will be done through "in house training", but did not rule if the owner of the funds or donors want to work together in this program, we are welcome, so the program can be realized widely in every regional in the country as soon as possible.

E.   Training Participants

1.   Trainees are not focused on academic requirements. Who are the employees of the government and the agencies whose their job company in the field of human resources can be a participant, even if the prefered position as a "direct supervisor",  except for candidates that are not from agencies. Because the participants could come from : 1) The government agency; 2) the Company; 3) Youth Organizations; 4 ) Students as future leaders of the next generation .

2.  More picture about Performance Training Program, contained on "Proposal of Performance Training” and on "Handbook of Performance Training”.

F.   Benefit from Performance Training 

1.  Two kind benefit will be gained from the training there are :   First, the   basic knowledge of of Human Resources Management, especially on the term of performance appraisal system.  Scond, the ability to design form on performance appraisel system and aplication.

a.   The basic konowledge of HRM  is needed by institutions / agencies for their input in a formulating policies of HRM in an effort to improve the quality of human resources grounded in embracing "a fair reward system” which have relevance to the problem of "remuneration" (payroll) and career coaching and development potential.

b.  The ability to design and applied performance assement syatem can be explained, that for institutions that do not have a standard assessment system, the official needed to have  a model system example, in line with effort to implement policies of HRM in their insitutions. 

2.  Training be done 4  times in a month (with a duration of 3 days and class capacity of 15 people).   If the agency have 6 unit ( district or city level ), so within 6 weeks will be trained by 6 x 15 people = 90 people. The former trainee “insya Allah” sooner or later, will bring a change in the regional mission in the field of human resource development .

3.   Institution as a user training service will not spend a lot, because preparation for training facilities only requires :  space class for accommodate 15 participants  with facilities such as white board, sound system, a presentation tool/infocus, which of course it is already owned by institution. Lunch for participants may not be provided because each employee (as officials) have got a meal allowance every weekday, where the training itself is conducted on weekdays .

4.  Costs to be incurred by the user training are :   1) teacher compensation, 2) round-trip transportation from city to city residence where teachers conducted training, 3) accommodation for teachers during teaching, 4) cost for sanck, coffee break for trainees, provision of office stationery, and prepare the certificate. While the Handbook and hand out materials, the responsibility of the teacher .

G.   Training Schedule & Topic

Duration training 3 (three) days of 5-hours, morning GMT. 8:00 to 13:00 pm, or evening GMT. 13:15 to 17:45 pm .

   ▌ First Day        

Topic - 1 (Purpose Training & Introduction Profile Handbook ), 60 minutes.
Topic - 2 ( Fundamentals of the Policy Implementation of HRM ), 60 minutes .
Topic - 3 ( Introduction to Performance Appraisal System), 75 minutes .
To discus Job Description, Job Requirement and determination, 75 minutes .

   ▌ The second day

Topic - 4 (Establish assessment factors in making the design of Performance Appraisal Systems ), 60 minutes . Designing Format Assessment, 30 minutes .
Topic - 5 (Making Instructions How to Format Writing Assessment), 90 minutes.
Topic - 6 (How To Implement Assessment via interview), 60 minutes.

   ▌  The hirtd day

Topic - 7 (Use of the Performance Appraisal System Multipurpose ), 30 minutes .
Exercise makes "job description" and set the "job requirement”, 45 minutes .
Topic - 10, the exchange time (Documentation Format rating system for the design of application), 30 minutes .
Topic - 8 (The Role of HRM Manager / Personnal Manager), 30 minutes .
Topic - 9 (Cover Materials), 30 minutes .

H.   Participation Suggestion & Response :

   To institutions / government agencies and companies that want to conduct "in house training" or other forms of cooperation in the implementation of this training program, please contact us via :

Contact person : Widjaja Kartadiredja
  The author would greatly appreciate readers of this blog who deign to spread through the blog link to Facebok or Twitter to friends / companions are deemed interested in the program, as a form of participation in supporting this program.

    Let's  do any thing  for a   benefit of nation, although only in the form of an idea or thought, in an effort to awaken the nation from being disadvantaged from the other nations in the work culture.  The future generations will require debriefing inheritace values towards a better change of the current generation. “Aamin”.


1.  That is exposure the profile of the Performance Training 2.   Hopefully this program although the only on form of public participation,  be able supporting  from the government itself, the company, the younger generation, and even if there is donor agencies.   The program that highly prospective to be implemented,  it is requires the funds to make the program could be realized.

2.   Hopefully this program although the only on form of public participation,  be able supporting  from the government itself, the company, the younger generation, and even if there is donor agencies.   The program that highly prospective to be implemented,  it is requires the funds to make the program could be realized.

3.   Thank you  for the attetion.       

The Author / The Initiator
Widjaja Kartadiredja


             IDENTITY THE AUTHOR   

Full Name : Widjaja Kartadiredja (Lieutenant Colonel Retired), born in Ciamis December 14, 1939, West Java, Indonesia. General Education, the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in Jakarta 1964, education in the Air Force  Elementry School Military Officer, Unity Command of the Air Force School 1980.  When still active as a member of the Air Force : duty in the environment organic of the Air Force for 16 years, from 1965 to 1981 and then  assigned in Owned  State Strategic Industries - “Nusantara Aircraft Industries Ltd (PT. IPTN) - in Bandung for16 years, from 1981 to 1997, with the last assignment as Head of the Department General Affairs of Weapons System Directorate. Before retirement was placed on the Staff Advisors.  Retired from the Air Force in 1995 and from IPTN 1998.

Experience on Human Resources Management :

 Teaching in the field of management at Educational & Training Center in IPTN  on Supervisor Course in the period of 1989 - 1992; Never to be a counterpart member team of Training Master-plan on Weaponry – in cooperation with Sodeteg Formation, Thomson 's subsidiary in France in 1992;  To finalize the  master-plan training weapon system, team member conducted survey mission to educational institutions and industries in the field of weaponry in France. In this occasion on separately from the team, learned the basic policy of implementation HRM in Thomson CSF Cooperation, although it was conducted in a brief time but the materials could be accepted ;  Never gave an upgrading P-4 Type A (Type 120 hours) on the deepening of the material in 1991.  Never be a partisipan on "6th International Seminar on Miracle of Al - Quran and as- Sunnah on Science and Technology" in Bandung on August 29 up to September 1, 1994.  In capacity of Head the Departement of General Affairs, to be a Command Media Coordinator “to handle the process of  developing integrated system and procedures in IPTN", and in appropriate task to general affairs functions, on regularly involved in the discussion of “job simplication ”Boeing Syistem, as comparative study material connection with the ditermination of “job reguirement”  on personnel establishment in HRM system of IPTN.

Experience in the social field :

 Some times wrote the feature, issue of education and religion, in local daily news.  Wrote the materials of Friday Khutbah, and compiled into a book on the title : "Tell my voice although on the  only one ayat "  Experience in Friday Khutbah in several mosques in the neighborhood ;  Circulating a number of blogs about the issue of performance and religion in Website.


1 komentar:

Widjaja Kartadiredja on 23 September 2013 pukul 17.22 mengatakan...

The author would greatly appreciate readers of this blog who deign to spread through the blog link to Facebok or Twitter to friends / companions are deemed interested in the program, as a form of participation in supporting this program.

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